By Semir H.
This part continues from the previous “NAME” part where we launched an Instance. In this part I will show you how to use PuTTY to connect to your running Linux (Ubuntu) Instance. In order for PuTTY to access your Instance over the SSH protocol we opened up the SSH TCP port (22) by using a Security Group which is essentially a Firewall.
Creating a PuTTY Private Key:
We must first create a PuTTY Private Key using the .PEM key generated beforehand. For this you need to get puttygen.
Run puttygen to start the process. Click on “File” and on “Load private key”.
Browse to the private key file (.pem) you saved earlier and load it. You should get a success notice like the one below. Click on OK.
You may want to edit the key comment and put a key passphrase before we generate a PPK file. I recommend using a key passhprase but please do not forget it or your resulting PPK will be of no use. Leave the type of key as SSH-2 RSA and leave the number of bits as 1024. Once you’ve made desired comments and put in the phrase click on “Save private key”. Give it a meaningful name and save as .ppk.
Connecting to AWS Linux Instances:
We must first find out the public DNS of the Instance we wish to connect to. To do this go to your AWS Management Console, go to Amazon EC2 tab, Instances, click on your Instance and look down under “Description”. You should see an address, next to Public DNS, similar to this:
Next, start PuTTY, put the DNS entry into the Host Name field and then browse down to the SSH Category and to the Auth section under SSH. This is where you add your private key (PPK) for later authentication. Go back to the Session category, make sure the DNS entry is still there, give this session a name (e.g. Test AWS Ubunt) and click on Save.
See below for an example:
Now it’s a simple matter of loading the saved session. First time you connect you will get a security alert saying that the server’s host key is unknown to you. Please select Yes to continue if you think it is safe to do so (in this case it is). You will get this with any new server the first time. You will also get this if you turn your Instance off and then on again (because the DNS and server hostname will change). The private key will not change so that can be re-used to connect.
You will be prompted to put in a username to log in. For this particular AMI it is ‘ubuntu’. Once you put that in you will get prompted to put the PPK passphrase (if you set one). If all goes well you should be logged into your Ubuntu Linux Amazon AWS Instance. Yay :)
If you’re having issues then please revisit the steps above. Please make sure you’re using the correct DNS entry and the correct private key. You can check which private key the Instance is using by looking at the Instance Details section (same one where DNS info is located). Please be aware that the public DNS string will change if you shut the server down and start it again. This can be addressed using Elastic IPs but we’ll cover that in another tutorial some other time.
Excellent walkthrough. Thank you!